40th Anniversary

In 2012 Radioclub Škofja Loka celebrated 40th Anniversary of its Foundation. For this event members of the club activated special callsign: S540DKR, which was on the air from February 1st till the end of April 2012. All QSOs were confirmed with a special QSL card.

8. February 2012
Radio beacon, that emits special callsign S540DKR/B at different frequency bands on HF, is activated. All SWL reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card. SWL reports of the beacon can also be sent to s540dkr@gmail.com.

1. March 2012
E-mail request for S540DKR award can be sent. You should have at least 3 different band/mode QSO’s with special S540DKR callsign. Log extract with QSO data should be sent to: s59dkr (at) gmail (dot) com. In e-mail “Subject” line you should write “S540DKR award -”, followed with your callsign. Award in JPG or PDF format will be e-mailed to your e-mail address. All requests should be sent to us no later than May 1st 2012.


The first entries in the log of Radioclub Škofja Loka