Škofja Loka Award


DipolmaEvery amateur radio operator with a valid license is eligible for this award.
Aim is to achieve as many contacts or SWL reports as possible with club stations S53DKR / S59DKR, or with members of Radio club Škofja Loka. Contacts on or after 1st January 2013 are valid.

All bands and modes are valid. Multiple QSO’s on the same day are valid if they are made on different bands or modes.

Minimum required number of QSO’s or SWL reports:
– Stations from EU need 2,

– Stations from other countries need 1.

Number of valid QSO’s or SWL reports will be written on the award.

The award is issued each year and valid period is from 1st January 00:00Z to 31st December 23:59Z.

Each year the award has a new layout in A4 format.

The award is issued only in electronic format and will be sent via e-mail address.

The award claim, together with log extraction in any kind of text format (doc, txt …), must be sent to e-mail

s59dkr (at) gmail (dot) com

with subject “Radio club Škofja Loka Award”.

A list of award recipients will be published each year on Radio club Škofja Loka web page.